Rajpravartini vati - highly effective medicine that is used when poor menstruation, irregular menstrual cycle or lack thereof. This the medicine is used for infertility related to irregular ovulation. Raj vati, Pravartini balances Vata and pita.
dismenorea, amenorea, scanty menses, painful periods.
Kumari ghana 62.5 mg 62.5 mg Kasis Bhasma, Shuddha Hing 62.5 mg, Shuddha Tankan 62.5 mg processed with Kumari rasa, excipients.
2-3 tablets two times a day, before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor. After the beginning of menstruation the medicine should be stopped. During menstrual period the medicine can not be accepted!
Original name:
Rajpravartini vati Unjha.
Commentary: There is information about the fact that Raj, Pravartini vati can be used as a contraceptive and to disrupt pregnancy. It not true, please do not use this medicine with similar goals!
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This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.